Mandela Day - A better world for all

    By 18600845351 | July 25, 2016

    Mandela Day - A better world for all Mandela Day is a special day not only celebrated in Africa, but globally among the people that follow in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela and strive for a better world for all who live in it. Mandela Day started in 2010 and has ever since been celebrated on the 18th of July, the birthday of Nelson Mandela. In total, Nelson Mandela spent 67 years, fighting for social justice. To honor… … Read More »

    Africa’s Guinness World Records #5

    By 18600845351 | June 28, 2016

    Africa's Guinness World Records #5 World’s most official languages (country) Learning a new language is always a challenge. However, the easiest way to pick up a new language is by growing up in an environment where you can directly pick-up the second language, or to get taught the new language at school. Now, imagine living in a country with 16 official languages, all spoken in the area you would live. Residents of Zimbabwe are especially… … Read More »

    I'm Back! - Faye Anderson Blog #5

    By 18600845351 | June 28, 2016

    I'm Back - Faye Anderson Blog #5 It is the early hours of the morning and I am heading for the airport for my return to South Africa. But before that, I go back 2 months to when I was preparing for this trip. Firstly I needed to get a new passport, then check if any visas or vaccinations were required and of course, think about what I may still need to purchase for the trip.… … Read More »

    June Solstice - A celebration for everyone!

    By 18600845351 | June 28, 2016

    June Solstice - A celebration for everyone! The 21st is an exciting day that not too many people are aware of. It is an event that happens twice a year in June and December, at the exact same time all over the world. A moment we can share and celebrate with the entire world as one big nation. This event is called the Solstice.   The name Solstice is derived from the latin name 'Solstitium', which… … Read More »

    World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2016

    By 18600845351 | June 17, 2016

    World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2016 With today being the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (WDCDD) and with our tours mainly focused on Africa, we thought it would be appropriate to share a blog post today in this regard. Africa has historically been impacted by desertification, drought and famine, but with the recent impact of the El Niño climate pattern, many African countries find themselves in an even more dire situation.… … Read More »

    World Oceans Day 2016

    By 18600845351 | June 8, 2016

    World Oceans Day 2016 Some of our tours allow you to appreciate the magnificent oceans that the African coastline has to offer, but did you know, even if you choose a tour that doesn’t include some beach time, you are always somehow connected to the ocean? On this Ocean Day, we thought we’d share some of the reasons why this is, and perhaps spark your curiosity towards one of mother natures true wonders.  1. The… … Read More »

    The Annual Flooding in the Okavango Delta of Botswana

    By 18600845351 | June 3, 2016

    The Annual Flooding in the Okavango Delta of Botswana Meandering from the Angolan highlands all the way to Botswana, is the unique Okavango Delta.  Looking at a satellite image you can easily see snaking blue lines as this magnificent river spreads into an alluvial fan in the middle of one of the World’s biggest stretches of sand. It is a truly magical experience visiting this oasis, but the true magic lies in timing a visit… … Read More »

    Dune 45 - Faye Anderson Blog #4

    By 18600845351 | May 27, 2016

    Dune 45 - Faye Anderson Blog #4 Our day was off to an early start, everyone was up at 5.30am to walk up Dune 45 to watch the sunrise.  Dune 45 is a magnificent dune which is 45km between the roads that connect Sossusvlei and the Sesrieum Gate. At 6am we waited at the main gates of our camp site to be allowed into the National Park. This is when I noticed some of my… … Read More »

    Africa Day

    By 18600845351 | May 25, 2016

    Africa Day Africa Day celebrates the day when the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed in 1963. It acknowledges the progress that Africans on the continent have made, as well as reflecting on the challenges that may still lay ahead for the continent as a whole. These challenges include armed conflict, poverty, and climate change. Last year, the theme for Africa Day was “We are Africa – Opening the doors of learning and culture… … Read More »

    Africa’s Guinness World Records #4

    By 18600845351 | May 23, 2016

    Africa's Guinness World Records #4 World’s most surfers riding the same wave South Africa is surrounded by beautiful stretches of coastline and beach. In total, it occupies a coastline stretching over 2, 500 kilometres. Starting from the border of Namibia on the West coast, continuing all the way till the border of Mozambique in the North East. South Africa is a great location for water-lovers who enjoy being at the sea. A famous spot for… … Read More »