
Tours departing from


Journey from the thunderous Victoria Falls to the warm embrace of Malawi, culminating in vibrant Dar es Salaam. This adventure, teeming with wildlife encounters, snorkeling experiences, and cultural exchanges, brims with unforgettable highlights.

  • Tour Duration
    13 Days
  • Price From
      Camping R42,950 NVD
      Accommodated R57,750 NAVD

Unearth the splendors of Lake Malawi, revel in the vibrant ambiance of Zanzibar, observe wildlife in the iconic Serengeti and Masai Mara Parks, and conclude your journey with a trek in pursuit of the elusive mountain gorillas.

  • Tour Duration
    37 Days
  • Price From
      Camping R135,300 NVMG
      Accommodated R159,750 NAVMG

Journey from the enchanting white sands of Zanzibar to the wildlife-rich plains of the Serengeti National Park, crafting the perfect blend of coastal retreat and wilderness exploration for an unforgettable holiday experience.

  • Tour Duration
    22 Days
  • Price From
      Camping R71,950 NVN
      Accommodated R89,400 NAVN

Commence your journey in the thrilling town of Victoria Falls, traverse through the wildlife-laden South Luangwa National Park, and culminate amidst the serene white sands and azure waters of Zanzibar, crafting a mosaic of unforgettable experiences.

  • Tour Duration
    16 Days
  • Price From
      Camping R53,950 NVZ
      Accommodated R64,250 NAVZ

Commence your journey in the thrilling town of Victoria Falls, traverse through the wildlife-laden South Luangwa National Park, and culminate amidst the serene white sands and azure waters of Zanzibar, crafting a mosaic of unforgettable experiences.

  • Tour Duration
    16 Days
  • Price From
      Camping R45,450 NVZ
      Accommodated R55,450 NAVZ

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