Mandela Day – A better world for all

Mandela Day is a special day not only celebrated in Africa, but globally among the people that follow in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela and strive for a better world for all who live in it. Mandela Day started in 2010 and has ever since been celebrated on the 18th of July, the birthday of Nelson Mandela.

In total, Nelson Mandela spent 67 years, fighting for social justice. To honor his service, all around the world people devote 67 minutes of their day to do something positive for others. Though unfortunately he is no longer around, the importance to uphold his values and to share the message for peace remains high. 

Rolling with the Oldies: What it Really Means

As a re-cap of the Nelson Mandela Day events, here is a follow up of the full 67 minutes….

Nelson Mandela Day is not a public holiday where we can get the day off work to watch Netflix. It is however a day where one is encouraged to go the extra mile in giving back & helping others. It all centres around the number 67 which represents the years that Mandela devoted his life to fighting for equality in South Africa. Celebrated on his birthday on 18 June, it is a day to honour this legacy and to continue that long walk towards a global movement for good.

In staying true to the essence of this concept, the Nomad team decided to get involved this year. We asked ourselves; “What could we do to honour this legacy? What could we do to give back?” Since traveling is a luxury that not everyone can afford, there was no doubt that we should put our resources to good use. Being in the business of African overland tours, we came to the conclusion that we should definitely spend our 67 minutes sharing the experience of being on one of our tours, with those who ordinarily wouldn’t be able to.

We got in contact with the director of Neighbourhood Old Age Homes (N.O.A.H) based in Woodstock, and invited their residents to spend their afternoon on tour with one of our overland trucks. N.O.A.H provides a model of care for disadvantaged older persons in the Western Cape and we decided that we wanted to make our own contribution to such an incredible organisation. They were delighted to join us “on the road”, and after a morning of karaoke, they were waiting to greet us with wide smiles, as one of our newest trucks, “Whitney” pulled up to fetch them. With a 13:00pm departure time, twenty four pensioners boarded the truck with the help of an added step, and sturdy hand from one of our tour guides, Keith. With our driver, Wilson at the wheel, the Nomad Dodge following suit, we were off!

The tour itinerary included a Cape Town city tour, passing through Woodstock and the Castle of Good Hope, with some great views
of Lions head (although a little misty) and of course Table Mountain making its usual appearance too. Passing the V & A, Cape Town Stadium, Sea Point, Bantry Bay & Camps bay, we headed down to Llandudno Beach for a much needed toilet break, some photo ops and a stroll to the beach. At this point we were able to mingle with everyone and it was made very clear that the majority of the group had not been to the beach in years, let alone leaving their neighbourhood in Woodstock.

Heading back up to the M6 for a lunch spot, and a couple of questions about joining one of Nomad’s tours to Botswana, we found a gorgeous spot overlooking the crisp blue ocean. The skies had cleared and it was definitely time for a snack. The sausage & “kaas” rolls were a hit. The selection of sticky treats and of course the gigantic muffins from Dolce Bakery were a true crowd pleaser. With tummies full and tired eyes or “magies vol, ogies toe” as we say in South Africa, we slowly made our way back to Woodstock to end the tour.

We would never have imagined the overwhelming appreciation that we received from everyone as they made their way off the truck holding very tightly onto their Nomad brochures. It was a humbling experience to say the least, and there was no doubt that we had done something good. We also realized that our 67 minutes should not stop there, and have already begun thinking about a N.O.A.H Nomad reunion tour in 6 months’ time.
Until next time, see you on the road…

If you would like to make a contribution to N.O.A.H please be sure to get in contact:
+27 (0)21 447 6334+27 (0)21 448 9108
Neighbourhood Old Age Homes(NOAH)
PO Box 142, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7915

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