Africa’s Guinness World Records #3

World’s longest river

Every traveler dreams of visiting as many countries as possible, especially in Africa, with 54 countries on offer. For us it sounds like mission impossible, but for the Nile River, it is something it has been doing for years. Starting in Uganda’s second largest city, Jinja, the Nile flows out of Lake Victoria and begins its 6695 kilometre journey to the Mediterranean. Along its way it passes 10 countries in Africa: Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Eritrea, Congo, and Egypt. Due to its incredible long distance, the Nile River is recorded as the ‘World’s longest river’.

Even though Jinja is by many people recognized as the starting point of the Nile, the length recorded by Guinness World records is from its farthest headwaters in Burundi. According to them, the Ruvyironza River based in Burundi is the greatest remote source of the Nile. Yet, some people believe that the Amazon flowing into the South Atlantic is the longest river in the world. However, as stated by Guinness World Records; “Which is the longer is more a matter of definition than simple measurement”.

Besides the headwaters in Burundi and Lake Victoria, there are three other rivers flowing into the Nile called the Blue Nile, White Nile, and the Arbara. Due to its large water supplies, the Nile River releases an impressive 3.1 litres water per second!

As the river stretches over long distances, it flows through various climates and landscapes. In the Southern parts the climate is more sparse and calm, but while travelling more to the North the rainfalls are getting heavier and more floodings are created. Besides that, the Nile River is also home to many animals. Some of these found in and around the Nile River are crocodiles, wildebeest, baboons, turtles, and over 300 bird species. Another animal that cannot be forgotten is the multiple fish, swimming through the river.

Especially in Egypt, the river has been an important source for living. Many residents live and farm along the river as it is a great supply for water, food, transport, and it provides perfect soil. Besides that, the people used to make paper and boats from the reeds growing along side the Nile. Nowadays, there are still many cities that are built along the river. Especially at night, the city lights perfectly show how the river flows.

The river is also a great location for outdoor activities and sunset cruises. One of the best activities to participate in is a rafting tour. As part of the “Masai Mara & Gorillas tour”, Nomad takes you to the spring of the river and travels around the Victoria Lake in Uganda and Kenya. During this tour you will have the opportunity to have an ultimate experience on the world’s longest river, the Nile. Nomad provides you the option to join a half day rafting trip down the wild rapids and refreshing waters. For those who do not only want to experience Africa from the land, this trip will give you a different perspective from the water. This half day, grade 5, rafting activity is for the real adventurers among us. You do not need any rafting experience for this tour. However, there is a chance of falling out of the raft, but this is often considered as the highlight of the day. You will be rafting with highly trained, professional guides and a safety kayak will always be on hand.

Still not convinced that rafting is your ‘thing’? Nomad also provides you the option to join a cruise in Jinja, and enjoy the Nile during an evening cruise on sunset. You will be cruising along the coast and passing by many small islands that is home to many bird species. You will also be able to spot otters and the amazing Nile Monitor Lizards. The cruise staff will serve you lovely small delights along the way while you will have the chance to relax and fully enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and scenery. Overall, it is an enchanting experience and a perfect activity to finish the day.

Another tour visiting the Nile River is the “Egyptian Nubian Adventure”. We will bring you to the end of the river in Cairo, Egypt. You will be sailing down the Nile in a felucca, one of Egypt’s most enjoyable activities. While sailing, the local rural Egyptian life will pass you by on the banks of the river. Next to the full day at the Nile, you will be taken on overland activities to the Luxor Temple, the famous Sphinx, the Pyramids, and lots more!

Some of our tours that visit the Nile River:

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