Africa’s Guinness World Records #1

Africa is a diverse continent renowned for its great landscapes, lovely sunny weather, and glorious wildlife. Each country has its own characteristics and must-see highlights. You are able to travel from large rain-forests, to dry deserts, and impressive world cities. Many of the countries have one thing in common and that is that they all hold a place in the Guinness World Records Book. Did you for instance know that recently Cape Town set a record for ‘Largest Parade of kite surfers’ in the world? The record was set on the 30th of January, 2016.

In the upcoming weeks, we will give 10 great examples of Guinness World Records set in Africa. These are definitely worthwhile knowing while traveling through the African continent with us. As Nomad offers over 100 different tours and travels through 16 different countries, most of the places where records have been set will be visited during one of our tours.

World’s Largest Bird Count – Guinness Record.

Besides the majestic big Five, Africa is recorded as having the world’s largest bird count. In November 1986, three locals from Kenya spotted 342 birds in a time-span of 24 hours in the Nairobi National Park.

The Nairobi National Park is approximately 7 kilometres (4 mi) south of the centre of Nairobi and is the capital city of Kenya. The park is the only national park that directly borders a capital city and covers over 400 bird species.

The record was set during a bird-watching competition called the Birdwatch Kenya ‘86. It is uncommon to have such a significant amount of bird species next to such a large city. Yet, a perfect balance is created between the wild and the people of Nairobi. People living close to the border of the National Park are woken up by the beautiful morning songs of the various bird species.

Imagine it’s a Monday. The day of the week that people would prefer spending some time at the beach or get an extra late sleep-in, rather than starting another busy week at work. Imagine having an easy and quick escape from your daily life and enjoying your afternoons surrounded by mother nature! In Nairobi your neighbors are the beautiful animals living in the surrounding national parks.

Besides the various bird species, the park is also home to many lions, hyenas, cheetahs and leopards. Watching these predators hunt in their natural environment will be one of the best experiences you will have on the continent. Be sure to keep your eyes wide open to catch a glimpse of these animals in action. Some of the easier animals to spot include zebras, giraffes, rhinos, ostriches, buffalos, gazelles and warthogs.

If you are someone who enjoys spending time in nature and have a passion for wildlife then we have what you need. We are able to provide you with some of the best experiences you will have on an African Safari. Join one of the following tours and you will experience the African continent like you’ve never experienced it before.

Some of our tours that go to Nairobi National Park:

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